What do we do?

ETF is a not-for-profit organisation. We campaign for equality for children and families with one or more transgender parent.

We do this via legal advocacy, academic research, awareness raising and community outreach and education.

Trans parents currently have no legal recognition. All LGBTQ+ parents in the UK urgently need equal recognition, protection and dignity under the law.


Thinking of family?

  • NHS advice

    “There are several ways you could become a parent if getting pregnant by having sex is not an option for you. Possible ways to become a parent include: donor insemination, IUI, surrogacy, adoption or fostering, co-parenting.”

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  • Tommy's

    “There are different ways that trans and non-binary people choose to become pregnant. They may choose to become pregnant by having sex, through using a fertility clinic or by using at-home fertility treatment. Whether you have a partner or not, you also have the option of sperm donation.”

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  • Trans-inclusive midwifery

    “We acknowledge the additional challenges that gender identity can have on pregnancy, birth and infant feeding and recognise the importance of providing inclusive, respectful care to pregnant people and their families.”

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“What matters most for children is not the make-up of their family, but their parents’ love.”

— Prof. Susan Golombok, Cambridge University Centre for Family Research.